Why did KAGE make changes in 2014?
KAGE Innovation strives to make it easy for landscape and snow removal contractors by making the best product to suit their needs. When the KAGE 2-in-1 SnowFire system was released in 2008, snow plow operators would have a problem with the trip edge struggling to roll over a certain curb height. When KAGE heard of this, it implemented a new design to fix this problem for its previous customers and future customers.
Below is a list of quick links to help you find what are looking for faster:
- What changed on the KAGE snow plow system?
- How do I know what revision my KAGE snow plow is?
- Revision One Parts
- Revision Two Parts
- Can I Upgrade my Plow?
What changed on the KAGE snow plow system?
The overall height of the original (revision one) KAGE snow plow system increased in 2014. The trip edge went from six to eight inches tall, increasing the overall moldboard height from 29″ to 31″. This was rooted by design changes to make using the KAGE system easier and more efficient. This change only applies to the KAGE SnowFire system.
Trip Edge
To accommodate for taller curbs KAGE increased the height of its trip edge. This allows the trip edge to activate over taller objects without lifting the plow or scraping your moldboard. By increasing the trip edge height, but not the cutting edge, allows KAGE system owners to easily find the cutting edge they need because standard measurements were kept.
Spring Group
Due to the heightened trip edge making it easier when encountering taller objects, KAGE had to make a change to its spring groups. The spring groups after 2014 are taller than the ones prior. KAGE also changed the spring ear to ease assembly at the same time. The base angle ears were also modified by extending the connector ear to reach the spring group system.
Poly Skids
Since the moldboard increased in height due to the trip edge system, this caused the box to no longer reach the ground. KAGE solved this by increasing the height of the polyurethane skids. We chose to increase the poly skid height because this allows the box to float over the curb with the taller trip edge. If we had kept the same height, operators would have a problem running their side panels into the curb line.
Cam Lock Bracket Bolts
The bolts on the cam lock bracket went from 3/8″ to 1/2″ in diameter. If your plow box was made prior to 2014 and you need to replace your cam lock brackets, you will need to drill out bigger holes in your moldboard to accommodate bigger bolts.
Slot Plate
There was also a change that was made to the slot plate around this time. KAGE changed the bolts on the slot plate and instead used studs and castle nuts. This made sure the bolts did not back out of the slot plate causing the operator to tighten them after excessive use. If you are having this issue and want to upgrade your slot plate, please call our office at 844-314-5243 to discuss your options. You can also go to our contact us page and send an email to one of our sales representatives who is happy to help!
How do I know what revision my KAGE snow plow is?
The best way to know what revision your KAGE snow plow system is to use visual comparison prior between the two revisions. If your plow system was made after the 2014 revision change, you will have the new revision (or Revision Two). However, if your serial number is prior to the revision change, it may not still be the old (original) revision. KAGE offers an upgrade kit for plow systems to update them to the current revision. If this has been done on an older model, then you may have an upgraded old revision plow and the serial number no longer applies.
The Serial Number
The first piece to consider is when your KAGE snow plow was manufactured. Here is a table to help you determine where your plow system falls into the timeline.
Revision One Serial Numbers

This chart has the serial numbers up to the point that the KAGE SnowFire system had a revision change. All of the serial numbers prior to the listed number are the old revision, unless they have an upgrade kit installed.
Revision Two Serial Numbers
All serial numbers after the chart listed above will be the new style KAGE snow plow, or revision 2.
Visual Comparison
The best way to determine what revision your KAGE snow plow is, is to take a close look at your base angle and spring group to know for sure what parts you need. We suggest this because your plow may have been upgraded and the old revision parts are no longer applicable for your system.
The Base Angle and Spring Group Connection
To determine what revision your plow is, the best place to look is where your base angle connects to the spring group. The older model’s base angle ear is round, the newer model has a lip on the edge of the ear. The older model spring group on the spring bottom will have two small ears with a threaded rod connecting it to the spring tube. The new model has a fixed ear that is also larger with a small cutout around the perimeter.
Base Angle
Old Style Base AngleThe old style base angle ear for the KAGE SnowFire plow has a round exterior and is moderately thinner than the new style. This model is on revision one, which is most plows manufactured prior to 2014.
New Style Base Angle Identification
This is the new style base angle that is on all KAGE SnowFire plows beyond the serial numbers listed above for the revision change in 2014. This ear is much taller and has a hook on the end of it.
This is the new style base angle ear. It has a larger ear with a small hook on the end of it.
Spring Bottom
Old Style Spring BottomThe old style spring bottom has two smaller ears the shape of a rounded rectangle. They also have an adjustable threaded tension rod.
New Style Spring BottomThe new style spring bottom has larger ears. They are welded directly to the spring tube, and they also have a small notch on the perimeter of the ear.
Revision One Parts
After identifying what revision your plow is, then you may use that information to purchase the appropriate spring group and poly skid kit for your KAGE Snow Plow. If you have identified that your plow is the model prior to 2014 (revision 1) then these will be the spring group and poly skid kits that you will need to purchase.
Part Numbers for the Spring Group Revision One
- The part number for the spring group for revision one is SP-162. (Click here to buy the SP-162 old style spring group.)
- The spring top part number is SP8-01. (Click here to buy the SP8-01 old style spring top.)
- Revision one’s spring bottom part number is SP-160. (click here to buy the SP-160 old style spring bottom.)
- The spring part number is SP1-4. (Click here to buy the SP1-4 old style spring.)
- Each complete group would have two sets of nuts and bolts. The bolt part ID number is 91247A863. (Click here to buy the bolt part ID 91247A863.), and the locknut part number is 90040A147-K5. (Click here to purchase the locknut 90040A147-K5.)
Purchase Revision One Spring Group (SP-162)
Part Numbers for the Poly Skid Kit Revision One
- The poly skid kit for the revision one plow system is part number KTM67-1. (Click here to buy the KTM67-1 old style poly skid kit.)
- If you would like to purchase the poly skids without the hardware, the part ID for a single skid is N36-2. (Click here to buy the N36-2 old style single poly skid.)
- Both the first and second use the same poly support, that part ID is 022-2. (Click here to purchase the 022-2 poly support.)
- The carriage bolt part ID is ROC-2131-724, you will need to purchase five bolts per poly skid. (Click here to buy the ROC-2131-724 carriage bolt.)
- The flange locknut part ID is RF1213OFZ, you will need to purchase five of these for each poly skid. (Click here to buy the RF1213OFZ locknut)
Purchase Revision One Poly Skid Kit (KTM67-1)
Revision Two Parts
Part Numbers for the Spring Group Revision Two
- The revision two spring group part ID is SP990. (Click here to buy the SP990 new style poly skid kit.)
- Revision two’s spring top part number is SP900. (Click here to buy the SP900 new style spring top.)
- The part number for the new style spring bottom is SP800. (Click here to buy SP800 new style spring bottom.)
- The part ID for the new style spring is SP21. (Click here to buy the SP21 new style spring.)
- Each complete group would have two sets of nuts and bolts. The bolt part ID number is 91247A863 (Click here to buy the bolt part ID 91247A863.), and the locknut part number is 90040A147-K5 (Click here to purchase the locknut 90040A147-K5.)
Purchase Revision Two Spring Group (SP990)
Part Numbers for the Poly Skid Kit Revision Two
- The part number for the revision two poly skid kit is KTM85-1. (Click here to buy the KTM85-1 new style poly skid kit.)
- If you would like to purchase just the poly skid, the part number for a single skid is N80-2. (Click here to buy the N80-2 new style single poly skid.)
- Both revisions on the KAGE Snow Plow SnowFire system have the same poly skid supports, that part number is 022-2 (Click here to buy the 022-2 poly skid support.).
- The carriage bolt part ID is ROC-2131-724, you will need to purchase five bolts per poly skid (Click here to buy the ROC-2131-724 carriage bolt.)
- The flange locknut part ID is RF1213OFZ, you will need to purchase five of these for each poly skid (Click here to buy the RF1213OFZ locknut.)
Purchase Revision Two Poly Skid Kit (KTM85-1)
Part Numbers for the Cam Lock Brackets Revision Two
- The part number for the new style cam lock bracket kit is KTKBB-2, which has 2 cam lock brackets with the appropriate bolts. (Click here to buy the KTKBB-2 cam lock bracket kit.)
- The part numbers for the revision two single cam lock bracket is KBB-2 (Click here to buy the KBB-2 single cam lock bracket.)
- You will also need to purchase the appropriate hardware. Each bracket requires six bolts and six nuts. The part number for the bolt is 92979A467. (Click here to buy the 92979A467 cam lock bracket bolt.)
- The appropriate locknut for the cam lock bracket system is part ID RF1213OFZ. (Click here to buy the RF1213OFZ cam lock bracket locknut.)
Purchase Revision Two Cam Lock Bracket Kit (KTKBB-2)
Can I Upgrade my Plow?
If you have an old style KAGE snow plow and wish to receive the benefits of the new revision, you can upgrade your plow system. Each of these kits include everything that you need to turn your plow into the latest model, besides the cam lock bracket kit and the new slot plate attachment style. These can be purchased separately. Unless you are having trouble with the bolts on either the cam lock brackets or the slot plate is not necessary to upgrade them. If you are, the cam lock bracket kit now comes with larger bolts and all you need to do is drill the holes on your moldboard so that a 1/2″ bolt can fit through them. The slot plate is going to require more work done to it and we suggest that you contact us to discuss what this entails. Each kit includes the taller base angle, appropriate spring groups, the new poly skids, a new cutting edge, snow catches and all of the hardware needed.
Purchase the 6′ Upgrade Kit
Click on this button to purchase the 6′ plow system upgrade kit.
Purchase the 8′ Upgrade Kit
Click on this button to purchase the 8′ plow system upgrade kit.
Purchase the 9′ Upgrade Kit
Click on this button to purchase the 9′ plow system upgrade kit.
Purchase the 10′ Upgrade Kit
Click on this button to purchase the 10′ plow system upgrade kit.
Learn more about saving time and money with the KAGE system at www.kageinnovation.com. You can visit our contact us page if you’d like to talk to a sales representative about the product. To purchase a product, visit our shopping cart or place an order on the phone. Check out the Kage YouTube channel to watch videos about our products!
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